Dear Writers, இத்தளத்தில் எழுத விரும்புகிறவர்கள், [email protected] என்ற மின்னஞ்சலில் தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்.

சரண்யா ஹேமாவின் கண்மணி நானுன் நிஜமல்லவா - 28


very nice analysis of police. Sathamangalam is just a example of police atrocity. Police, Medical field,court-Law all are misusing the powder. Where then people can go? Nowhere. It is fate of our country. I am no longer have any pride of my birth place. very sad to hear all the news every day.
Police - Does anyone of us have courage to go to standing police or police station in TN? How brutal deaths and rapes are happening? shame , very shame.